- 国家新闻出版署农业融合出版知识挖掘与知识服务重点实验室2024年度开放课题申请指南 2024-04-17
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- OA期刊
Encapsulating drugs in poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) nano- particles can provide a gradual and consistent drug release. Herein, diclofenac sodium-encapsulated PLGA nanoparticles (DS-PLGA NPs) were synthesized, characterized, and their effects on bacterial proteolysis and elastolytic activity were evaluated using skim milk agar plate, elastin-congo red, and staphylolysin disk susceptibility assays. Quantitative PCR was employed to examine the effect of nanoparticles on the expression of lasA/B genes. The DS-PLGA NPs displayed spherical morphology with an average size of 86 nm, zeta potential of -15.2 mV, and DLS size of 124.6 nm. At a sub-inhibitory concentration, DS-PLGA NPs inhibited bacterial elastolytic activity by 41.6 to 62.1% during 30-180 min of incubation. The elastolytic curve slopes of samples from PLGA and DS-PLGA treated groups were respectively 0.0714 and 0.0380 activity/min, indicating a signifi- cant reduction of bacterial extracellular elastases by DS-PLGA NPs. Exposure of bacteria to a sub-inhibitory concentration of the nanoparticles attenuated the expression of the lasA and lasB genes by 0.21 and 0.31 folds, respectively. Attenuation of the proteolytic activity of P. aeruginosa suggests that the antivirulence potential of the DS-PLGA NPs along with the anti- inflammatory properties of diclofenac sodium, can be consid- ered for the treatment of acute and chronic P. aeruginosa infections.
- Co-encapsulation of Curcumin and Paclitaxel using Non- ionic Surfactant Based Nanovesicles Suppresses Growth of Ovarian Carcinoma throug2024
- Improved All-solid-state Z-scheme Photocatalytic System Based on TiO2 /Ag-Pd/CdZnS2024
- Preface2024
- Primary Amine Discrimination Using a ~(19)FNMR Reporter Bearing two Different Fluorine-Containing Moieties2024
- Single‐molecule Conductance and Electrochemical Measurements of Electron Transfer in β‐strand Peptides2024
- Manganese Detection in Water Samples via Photometrix Colorimetric Analysis on Smartphones, by using Silver Nanoparticles Prepared from Okara Extract2024